Launch of KinCellS Project

The project KinCellS, supported by the Auvergne Rhone Alpes region, as part of the call for R&D booster projects, was launched on September 9th, 2020, with the consortium members : Nanobiose, project leader, EVEON and the SyMMES laboratory.
KinCellS (Kinetics of Cell Secretions) aims to design a comprehensive environment to access the kinetics of secretions from cells cultured in 3D under perfusion, with a revelation of secreted biomarkers by fluorescence.
- • As project leader, Nanobiose wants to integrate the kinetic study in a new generation of its microfluidic biochip and will evolve its new microfluidic biochip to increase assay throughput.
- • Thanks to its expertise in the design and manufacture of connected medical devices and its multidisciplinary skills, particularly in micro-fluidics, EVEON will lead the design and realization of the automatic fluid management system.
- • Specialist of the fundamental research on themes with strong societal issue, the CREAB team of SyMMES laboratory will explore new revelation probes for kinetic and quantitative measurements of secreted biomarkers.