Partnership with Conicio to make the use of medical technologies accessible and intuitive

EVEON and CONICIO, a design and engineering agency, have signed a partnership agreement. The two companies aim to strengthen their collaborations, as the consideration of human factors (ergonomics, usability) in the development of innovative medical devices is crucial for their use by patients and healthcare professionals.
One of the main challenges in designing a medical device for healthcare professionals or patients is to make the use of advanced medical technology more intuitive. CONICIO and EVEON, members of the MEDICALPS (healthcare industry cluster in the heart of French Alps), have been collaborating on these topics for several years within the scope of various projects. The two companies have decided to formalize their collaboration through a partnership to offer and promote an expanded range of medical devices.
In practical terms, CONICIO brings its expertise in user studies, product design, prototyping/modeling, and usability studies. EVEON, on the other hand, contributes its expertise in the design, integration, and assembly of sub-assemblies, systems, and products in microfluidics, automation (electronics, sensors, software), micromechanics, and the implementation of ISO 13485 for medical devices and equipments.
Since late 2019, the two companies have worked on four different projects. One of the recent projects, the Intuity® Spray (picture) device developed by EVEON, contributed to winning the Pharmapack Award in 2021 for the best innovation in the "administration methods" category. This recognition from an expert jury has allowed EVEON to gain visibility and acknowledgment in the field of drug administration in the form of spray and mist.
"Beyond the recognition of several years of collaboration, this partnership reflects a shared vision of Design and a common passion for medical technologies. The teams at CONICIO and EVEON are driven by the same ambitions: to innovate for improving patient care, simplifying their daily lives, and those of healthcare professionals," stated Mathilde Juin, Director of CONICIO.
"The users of our products are patients or healthcare professionals, for whom intuitivity and ease of use are essential. Therefore, it is crucial for EVEON to place ergonomics, aesthetics, and patient safety at the core of the design process. We are delighted about this partnership with CONICIO as we work together to democratize the medical technologies of tomorrow," said Cyril Le Loc'h, Director of Research and Development at EVEON.
More details:
- Read the full Press Release: English | French
- Conicio website
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